Friday, January 27, 2006


So after the fun of yesterday I thought I might actually get some sleep last night. It was a nice thought. Couldn't fall asleep and then woke up repeatedly and this time when I woke up I couldn't fall asleep again. When I did wake up today I felt like I had the flu... Absolutely no energy and even more fatigued then I was before. I went right back to bed. After spending most of the day in bed the fibromyalgia had also flared up so now I also feel like I got run over by a Mac truck. I thought medication was supposed to make me feel better, not worse. Now I feel more depressed since I am really not functioning and can't even stand for more then 5 minutes. I'm losing weight... and feel increased anxiety over work and life in general. Now I know that medications tend to take time to get used to.. but c'mon... This can't be a good thing. So right now I am debating going back to the ER to see what the doctor has to say. Not that I really want to go back... but I also don't want to go through this longer then I need to.

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